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At Creative Counseling Solutions,
We can point you in the right direction.
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Our counselors have a wealth of experience working with a wide range of clients and their specific needs.
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Call us today to see if what we can offer is a good fit for you.
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The dream of creating a unique environment where children,
individuals and families could grow together is how Creative Counseling Solutions began.

My Mission

I am a mental health professional who wants to help you deepen your connection with others and within your self. I am skilled with understanding how to help parents, children and individuals gain insight into how their behaviors affect themselves and those around them. I am also trained in how to help you improve your relationships with your children, family and friends.

With many years of experience, my goal is to work collaboratively with you to assess  your situation and together create a custom treatment plan that’s right for you. I understand the importance of partnering with you to create  the most effective ways to take care of your emotional health and well being.

Read more about Marcie